Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stonewall Retreat-Jan. 2014

Evelyn modeled her new vest she made!
Looks good front and back!
Kay finished a really cute quilt for one of her grandsons!
Debbie quilted a small quilt she made at another retreat!
Kay is giving serious instructions to someone . . .
WOW! Look at Sandy's colorful quilt top.
Cherri started on her first block of our 'Quilt as you Go' project!
Jatana kept right up with Cherri.
Kathy is concentrating on something special.
Evelyn and Cherri are both cutting fabric as fast as they can.
Sandy looks like she is having a great time.
Kay pieced this beautiful block. Glad she used black in the border.
Cherri, Evelyn, Kay and Kathy are all hard at work.
Jatana is trying to figure out that pesky little quilt block.
Evelyn has a number of her 'Quilt as you Go' blocks finished. Don't you just love the green and purple?
Kay's fingers match her jacket.
Jatana is an art quilter at heart. Isn't that just beautiful?

Cherri has her second block finished.
Jatana made two blocks just alike.
Kathy made a baby quilt for her new grandson due in February 2014. She is really on the ball.
Jatana has another block finished. YES!!
Cheri is on a roll.
So is Jatana! Aren't those colors soothing?
YIKES - Cherri is really trucking now. What beautiful blocks.
Sandy has a great start to another quilt. Beautiful Churn Dash colors!
Goodness, every time I turned around, Cherri had another block.
Kathy finished the baby quilt. She quilted it and bound it herself. Way to go!
OK Cherri - you can stop making blocks now!! Your stars are so pretty.
Debbie started on another quilt top.
Sandy made more quilt blocks - the colors are just spectacular.


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