Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fall Project-2014 Continued

Hooray for Crystal. She has finished her very first quilt top!!!! What an accomplishment and the results are stunning!! Way to go, Crystal.
Vera has a great start on her Carpenter's Star quilt top. Love those colors!
Billie always has a beautiful quilt top. For this one she used scraps her daughter gave her. Quite impressive from a bag of scraps. Don't you love these colors, too?
Kathy has the borders on her quilt top. These colors really POP!!!
Sue's quilt top looks a lot like Christmas! Barbara is always ready to lend a helping hand!

This is a king-sized quilt top Kathy made with the help from her aunt who has since passed away. This quilt is all hand-pieced and hand-quilted. WOW is all I can say!!!
Kay has the borders on her quilt top. Sure looks like Fall to me.
What a spectacular quilt top in black and white. Sandy has just a few more borders to add.
Louise is finished with her quilt top! BEAUTIFUL! These Carpenter's Star quilt tops were easy to do and all turned out to be TOP STARS! What a great fall project!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Fall Project 2014

Kay has her fall project almost finished. She just needs to add the borders. Don't you just love the fall colors? She used her fabric scraps for this top!
Kathy is close to finishing, too. Her bright colors make her star POP! WOW!
Sue made her top in just one day. Love the red and green fabrics! Hope we see her finished top soon.
Debbie finished her top at a quilt retreat north of Dallas. She used her scraps, too!
A couple of photos of the quilt we made for Joel, DeAnn and Caleb, our new church pastor and his family! Thanks to all who helped. The quilt really turned out nice!