Sue was on the ball at this retreat! Here is her first completed project. |
Evelyn and Jatana are working and talking. |
Kathy is hard at work. |
Sue nearly froze to death, so Jatana loaned her a robe. Isn't she cute? |
Debbie finally finished binding her quilt. Cathy showed her how to glue baste it to finish quickly. |
What ARE we looking at? |
Kathy and Sue working hard again. I hope Sue is staying warm. |
I caught Evelyn mid-sentence! |
Sue purchased some new fabric at the quilt shop in Fredericksburg and is making a quilt using the "10-Minute" block. |
The "10-Minute block wore her out!!! |
Debbie and Jatana working on stars. |
Cathy is trying to finish quilting Wade's quilt. Don't you love those colors? |
Kathy's finished quilt for her daughter. Her daughter likes owls. The Minkie in the quilt nearly drove Kathy crazy! |
YES! Jatana finished a row of stars. Aren't they beautiful? |
Debbie finished her quilt blocks (just need borders now) and made a Minkie wrap for her granddaughter. Those beautiful blocks on the right were made by Cathy. |
Kathy finished her Texas quilt. She did lots of machine quilting on it. |
Jatana made a really cute pillow case for her grandson. Love the bright colors. |
Kay Huffman (our wonderful hostess) and Cathy discussing things of great importance, I'm sure! |
Group photo on our last day - Debbie, Kathy, Jatana, Evelyn and Cathy. Sue left early so missed the photo op. |